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Swallow-tailed Kite image courtesy of Delos McCauley
Painted Bunting image courtesy of www.ejphoto.com
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Twenty-something birders often hear long-time veterans reminisce about the amazing
fall outs of yesteryears' spring migration or local hot spots that have been replaced with
strip malls. Sadly, current trends in many bird populations suggest that future
generations will likely hear laments about ghosts of birding past such as the amazing
spectacle of foraging Red Knots on the Delaware Bayshore.  Fortunately, it's not too late!

Among the long list of threats to birds, there is one that you can help resolve with a little
effort. This is the lack of public awareness with regards to local bird diversity and their
conservation concerns. The birds we love to watch need a PR team to help others
appreciate them as well.

Several high profile birders have effectively brought the joy of birds to new audiences.
Kenn Kaufman's bold move to publish a North American field guide in Spanish opened
birding to large, and growing, demographic. Bill Thompson III, editor of Bird Watcher's
Digest, designed a guide specifically for children from 8 to 12 years old. Countless
others write articles, maintain quality blogs, and lead local birding trips.

Yet, there are potentially millions of other ambassadors out there -
YOU, the birders!

As a collective, the birding community can share the wonders of birds with millions of new
people - family, friends, coworkers, and even complete strangers. With all due respect
for the birding elite,
YOU are actually the best bird ambassador for those in your lives.
You may not know birds like Kenn but, compared to most others, you are a bird expert.
More importantly, your enthusiasm will prove contagious for those close to you.

Don't need to feel pressured to create the next David Sibley but your efforts could have
a significant impact on the plight of our birds. By opening people's eyes to everyday
birds, you're laying the groundwork for them to start noticing our rich avian diversity.
They will be more likely to be struck by the majesty of a Great Blue Heron or an
American Goldfinch's brilliance. It is this appreciation that leads to the desire to protect
something. As more people witness firsthand the beauty of birds, the public support for
habitat preservation and other conservation efforts can grow exponentially.

Ready to start? The Fledging Birders Method can help!
Birders: The Front Line in the Mission to Save our Birds
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Bringing the joy AND BENEFITS of birding to others - to promote their healthy development and bird conservation.